Saturday, October 6, 2007

school? what's that?!

Sad to say... that has been my thoughts lately. I've finished the Slam Dunk manga. I've finished Spring Waltz. I've picked up new shows to watch for the Fall Season. And I suppose that's the problem. I really need to stop relaxing and just hanging around all the time. Seriously. Seriously. I took a chem test on Friday, and I can't really say I feel confident about it at all. I think this may be the first time I MAJORLY fail a test. That's reallly bad. I just didn't feel like chem was important, or worth my time. I suppose that's the problem. I think Bio is 10000x more important because it's the first class that REALLY counts. I mean, it's the one class you need to take before doing anything else. So yeah, it is ridiculously frustrating. I can't lax up on that anymore. Curse me and my need to be caught up with pop culture and Korean Dramas. It really is a drug. I suppose I should just come home late now and do some studying to do some good in my life.


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