Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dealing with annoying

So the Fall Semester has officially begun last week, and it's been interesting. I'll give a run-down of each individual professor/class in a bit, but I needed to get some things off my chest first. To begin with, since I'm at the upper-division level, a lot of my classes are with the same people. I really like that, as it's easier to make friends, easier to ask questions, and you know most of the people you're with. It's good. Unfortunately, along with the positive things, there are negatives. For example, if there's an annoying person, you have to deal with that person too. Case in point: last semester, I was taking two classes with one person, back to back, so it would make sense to walk to the other class with the other person. Well, at the end of last semester, we talked about the future, grad school, and how we would need recommendation letters. So, I took the initiative, emailed professors, and ultimately, got the gig at the micro ecology lab on campus. I really like it. The people are nice, I get excited when I see my cultures grow, and I honestly think I'm learning quite a bit. So, when the new semester came around, I gave this person an update, and honestly, I think the person got a nudge and now might be working in the same place as me. Now, typically, I wouldn't really be upset. However, I am finding myself not liking this person that much, and I feel pretty smothered by this person. First of all, I needed to speak to the professor running the lab, and the person felt like he should come along. I don't know if I'm properly explaining my irritation but I am rather irritated. I'm the kind of person who likes to do things alone, like drive alone, shop alone. So for me, I feel pretty damn smothered when people go with me on my errands. I don't want to wish ill on anyone, but I honestly hope this person doesn't get the job in my lab, or I hope this person is never there when I am. Dealing with this person is enough in classes. I just feel that certain sectors of my life should never mix. Certain groups of friends stay in certain groups, and they just don't intermingle, and I'm totally okay with that. I'll just have to be curt as much as possible. I think that sometimes, just giving people the cold treatment is the best thing. Hopefully, they get the hint.

Funny, this person hangs out with another person that I knew that liked to smother other people, liked to call all the time, just be annoying. I wonder if that's some sort of coincidence or not.

Here's another thing. The other day, I went to my friend's house to hang out and unfortunately, her brother's family was there too. Now here's the thing. I hate her brother. He's so annoying and he thinks he knows everything. As a result, he keeps talking to you and it's about something you don't want to hear about. Oh, and his wife works where I used to work. She's the one that got me the job. Anyway, she's really sweet. He's not. So when I came over to see my friend, I was not happy to see him there. I keep thinking, please please don't talk to me and just watch your kids and talk to your parents instead. Alas, not so lucky. To make matters worse, the first thing he says to me is , "So I heard you got laid off at work." Oh gee. Thanks for rubbing that in my face. So I try to play it off, by saying "It's alright. I mean, well, what can I do, you know, the university is broke." Then he proceeds to say: "That's not true. It's the budget that's the problem." "Well, yeah, I know. I've been getting long emails about that from the university." I think to myself, gosh, my self-esteem is in the dumpster right now. Just please, you made a very bad attempt at small talk, so you can go away now. Still unlucky. He starts talking about the budget. First, I don't like talking to him, and to make matters worse, he talks about the last thing I ever want to talk about. Politics. So he asks a rather invasive question, "so what political party do you belong to?". I answer honestly, hoping he won't keep asking more. Then, he proceeds to talk about Obama's health care reform plans and asks how I feel about it. I tell him, "honestly, I don't know enough about it to really make an informed decision, but I know it's been in the news a lot recently". Apparently, that's not enough to send him away, and he tells me a lot of things, especially about how Obama is a socialist and how I should be complaining and pretty much urging my congressman to vote against it. If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's when people try to push a particular political agenda in my face. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed off about that. Definitely not helping me like you more. Go away.

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