Monday, June 25, 2007

Life Inaction

Lately, I feel like all I've been really doing is planning. For example, I've been thinking about my studying abroad options, and where I should go. At the moment, if I had to attend an overseas university connected to my school, I'm thinking of going to either of the following countries: Australia, Sweden, or Denmark. However, I also really want to attend university in Scotland, so I'm thinking maybe St. Andrews. I don't know. But, see, here's the thing: I'm taking summer school right now, and I feel I am not giving 100% in my physics class. I mean, I've met some nice people, and they really are willing to help me out. For that, I absolutely love them. However, I realize I'm always doing my labs the night before it's due, and doing my homework the day it's due, if I do it at all. And that is absolutely unacceptable! How can I be looking at overseas universities if I can't keep myself competitive with a high GPA to get in? Or getting involved with anything? I really need to start working on that. Seriously. I've been telling myself lately that I will apply for a job. Have I yet? No. Did I update my resume? No. Have I been watching poker instead? Yes. See? It's a vicious cycle, and I'm really determined to do something about life. I fear if I don't do anything, then I will end up screwed, as I will end up failing physics, end up jobless (still), and spend the rest of my life watching people make something of themselves.

Enough of this nonsense
... I refuse to become a nothing. Well, I'm ready to change. Yes. Honestly. I have physics midterm on Thursday, and I don't intend on failing another one. Nope. Not me. I'm ready to whatever happens. But one day at a time, no? Laziness is a disease, mon ami.


1 comment:

Sophia said...

Dang. That's pretty harsh. Well, at least you know where you're at; I hope things look better for you. :] You got my support, Kirsten.