I'm typing away at such a late time (well to me at least), because I seriously cannot believe how crazy this is. Well, lately, my iPod has been... well, acting up lately, and it's annoying the crap out of me. So finally, my iPod just gave out. Froze. Great. I wanted it fixed right away, so I was planning on going to Best Buy to check out my warranty and such. Last time, they weren't so helpful. So, I tried everything... like banging it against a stack of paper. Niice. I thought to myself, why should I be purposely destroying something that cost a lot of money. Ok fine. Paper isn't hard. It's not like I'm dropping on wood flooring.
LO AND BEHOLD. It worked. No way. But seriously. It worked. I can't believe it. My iPod is functional again. YAY.